Cur Med Res Opinion 2007;23(7):1509-15

Economic impact of gefitinib for refractory non-small-cell lung cancer: a Markov model-based analysis

Rev Mal Respir 2007;24:653-8

Etude de phase 2, randomisée, évaluant une polychimiothérapie orale (CCNU, Cyclophosphamide, étoposide) et une polychimiothérapie intraveineuse dans les cancers bronchiques à petites cellules en seconde ligne en rechute (essai GFPC 0501)

Critical Reviews in Oncology/Hematology 2007;64:73-81

An open multicenter phase II trial of docetaxel-gemcitabine in Charlson-score and performans status (PS) selected elderly patients with stage IIIB pleural/IV non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) : the GFPC 02-02a study

Lung Cancer 2007;57(1):72-8

An open multicenter phase II trial of weekly docetaxel for advanced-stage non-small-cell lung cancer in elderly patients with significant comorbidity and/or poor performance status: the GFPC 02-02b study

Targ Oncol 2007;2:63-71

Second-line therapy with gefitinib in combination with docetaxel for advanced non-small cell lung cancer:a phase II randomized study

Lung Cancer 2006;51:105-14

Randomized multicentric phase II study of carboplatin/gemcitabine and cisplatin/vinorelbine in advanced non-small cell lung cancer: GFPC 99-01 study (Groupe français de pneumo-cancérologie)

Ann Oncol 2006;17:1412-17

Phase II trial of temozolomide and cisplatin followed by whole brain radiotherapy in non-small-cell lung cancer patients with brain metastases: a GLOT-GFPC study

Rev Mal Respir 2006;23:497-502

Analyse médico-économique des métastases osseuses des cancers broncho-pulmonaires : Etude 0601 du GFPC

Ann Oncol 2006;17:1269-74

Cost-minimization analysis of a phase III trial comparing concurrent versus sequential radiochemotherapy for locally advanced non-small-cell lung cancer (GFPC-GLOT 95-01).

J Clin Oncol 2005;23(25):5910-7

Randomized phase III trial of sequential chemoradiotherapy compared with concurrent chemoradiotherapy in locally advanced non-small-cell lung cancer: Groupe Lyon-Saint-Etienne d’Oncologie Thoracique-Groupe Francais de Pneumo-Cancerologie NPC